Of Dinosaurs And Engineers!

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Starless Night

The starless night-sky
Crimson at the horizon
Because of burning lights
Of a city that doesn't sleep.

Burning at the edges
Like a paper in fireplace
Flung there carelessly
By a sleepless lover.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Turn Around

Turn around, turn me on,
All 6 pairs, bring them on.

All of them, the half-dozen,
Will take off, one-by-one.

The Black, the White and Blue,
Yellow bedspread, me and you.

All of them, though hugging you tight,
Will taste you still, if that's alright.

It's been so long, so lonely,
With just the two of us only.

Lets do this soon, you and me,
To come home, and brew coffee.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

my turn ?

many posts come and go
and none are for me
life has it's high and low
bf's a famous blogger u see.

my meek lil heart sigh's
waits for my man to write
how to invoke desire it cries
how to release the love kite ?

u look pretty, arse is tight
u talk sweet, a leggy sight

could a woman ask for more
than a few well said lies
when the world he writes for
sleeps, and the argument dies

shouldn't it be my turn
for the words of passion
and my heart could learn
a thing or two abt fashion.