Of Dinosaurs And Engineers!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Hugs & Kisses {From Our Archives}

Hugs and Kisses from a Yuppie Puppy who misses his Guppie

Since you were short on wool,
I thought to send you some
Warm hugs & kisses would be cool.

They've got love, passion and lust,
And I hope that these surely
Would keep you warm, I trust.

No artificial emotion you see,
And they are very adictive too
If you ever run out, I'll send more free.

With lots of love,
Yuppie Puppy

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

A little letter


We have both been so busy over the last few weeks that we just didn't have time to be alone with each other. I thought I would just write down whatever thoughts have been in my mind for the past few weeks.

In about 14 hours or so, you would be off to a different country, a different continent. It would certainly be many weeks before we get to be with each other. I am sure we would get to talk and e-mail often. I will send you pictures, and you would do the same. We would be living two different lives, instead of one - as we should be doing, under ideal circumstances.

No matter how many friends we make and no matter how much work we do, there would be times when we would simply yearn for each other. Of course, we would be thinking of each other much more often, but to yearn is different. It is these moments of weakness that are going to test us in the sternest manner possible. I have absolute faith in you to come through this with flying colours. I trust you implicitly, without any conditions. I hope you will show the same faith in me through these times.

My Boss from my previous Division told me straight to my face today: "You must be courageous through this phase, and be of steady resolve. Have faith in your partner. What you are trying is not impossible. Knowing you, I am sure you can make it work."

These words apply to me, as much as they do to you. I would be taking those words with me, and perhaps, so should you.

Missing you already, with tears running down my face. I am not sure if I should come to the Airport. I hope I do though.

Loads of love,
Yours Truly.