Of Dinosaurs And Engineers!

Monday, June 07, 2004

Eleven things I like about you

In no particular order:

1. You are intelligent. You are smart. And you have a great sense of humour. Three things I always wanted to see in myself.

2. I love the way you talk. And make me talk. No easy task, I say.

3. You know how to cheer me up. Heck.. even I dont know that!

4. Your smile.

5. The cute names you invent for me. Every one of them.

6. The way you put things in perspective. For me. For yourself.

7. Your career consciousness. I am not that intense myself.

8. Your spirit of independence. Its like an aura around you. I can feel it. It is impossible not to.

9. Your touch. It has got some magic. And a healthy dose of some anti-depressant.

10. Your sensuality. You evoke feelings I did not know existed in me.

11. I fell in love with you. And I have never been more happy in my life. Before I met you, I did not even believe that love can exist. You are the woman I thought I would be not be lucky enough to find. Between the two of us, I am the lucky one. I like that. A lot.

Love you.. can't wait for Thursday.


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